wif the feeling of xtra happy this morning for getting a gud news that can make me happy in so many ways...i can now claim that i can see some light at the end of the tunnel. so i call it SINAR HARAPAN n isnyaallah berjaya makin murah la rezki ammar hendak nyer. ini la org kt rezki anak...
that's why la...i tink my wish list dh makin berjele2...tp yg mana 1 nk grab dl? anyone?
- CD (cloth diaper) tok ammar
- 3 doors drawer tok umi, IKEA
- almari kanak2 (sebelah tok hang, sebelah drawers) tok ammar
- treasure chest ammar, IKEA
- cute grey pinafore umi
- 1 jeans umi, ROMP
- puzzle ABC (tok letak kt lantai - senang ammar nk merangkak), c4
- activity blanket non slippery tok ammar, IKEA
- notebook
- magic hanger tok abah, cosway
- oke, hmpr lupe...car seat ammar. kn beli yg btul2 comfy sbb klntn sgt jauh ok...
hmmm, tu e jer dl wat masa nie...mcm ader yg lupe...nti kasi ingat dl k.
p/s: klu ader 3k nie...1 ari setel sume dlm list nih... hek3x (^_^)'
Wah dah dapat kerja baru ker...mesti best nyer....aku pulak waiting for some light...tapi tak nampak2...tapi sabar je..rezeki anak mesti ada nyer...huhuhu
..tau!..tau!..dah dapat reply dari UITM eh..caya la dek..any sinaran pun..I congrat u from the bottom of my heart..
hmmm..from the long list..kalau aku la eh..Almari kanak2 then treasure chest...hmm..rasa aku nak budget for the treasure chest ni jugakla..
dedek to ein & ja,
a'ahhh, yeay...gumbira rasa hati ini. tq ja.. hehee ein, dh tau kn? jd korg doa kn la aku berjaya..
now i got butterflies in my tummy dh...takot ada, gumbira ader, neves pon ader...
dedek to ja,
tue la kn sbb ader baju yg mahal2 sayang klu lipat lelama nti rosak or ader line kuning lak. ok la, i'll go 4 the almari lah...pasni nk survey kedai perabot.
klu boley bertukang, aku nk jer wat sendiri...mesti lagi best sbb boley wat braper banyak drawer ko nk. kn...kn...kn...
Wait2, am i missing sth...Kak Dek, u dpt keje kat UITM....ye ker...
Congrats2.......I wish u all d best k kat tmpt baru......
I know u can do it!!!
Kak In,dont worry, the light will come to u as long as u put an effort on finding the light....But i know how hard u work, so just wait, the light should be somewhere near now..... =)))
I havent found that light of mine gak.....lampu kalimantang kat umah ade la...eyh jap, dublin xde lampu kalimantang...pelik kan.....Haishh, ive been working so hard sampai kan cam at one stage nk give up jer sbb x tahan d pressure n d environment pon is killing me......x best langsung...
Tp nk survive nyer pasal kan, so maybe when i go back home 4 good 1 day, i can do some soul searching n yeah some light searching for meself......
i doa kite sume bejaye n dimurahkan rezeki....Insyaallah...
hehee correction bee, lom lg. br dpt g intrvw jer...but i'm hoping on that sgt2 k...doa kn lah aku yer...
tue la, evribodi will find the light tp tgu time jer, patience is the key...plus some effort. insyaallah ader punyer...jom kta sm2 doa tok kejayaan bersama.
bee, i doa kn u pon akn dpt keje yg better soon coz i know how stressful it is working there ngan boss u nyer ragam kn? yup, mama ader citer...cian kt ko, tp jgn la nangis lagi...huhuuu
haa, igt lg jono ckp psl lampu kalimantang..."kak, rumah endon saja yg pake lampu kalimantang" hehee mama ketawa bagai nk rak. hahaaa pastu mama pon tkr la lampu... aik asal lak masuk topik nih heheee
i tink jom kta bkk bisness nk?
Hihihi, lampu kalimantang for umah endon only....kihkihkih....good one Jono......kihkihkih.....
tue la,my boss mmg slalu kene kan i..I think becos im the youngest n the smallest, ppl just dont take me seriously....Skrg kene blaja jadik firm plak.....Kene serious jer all the time n xleh nampak lembik...If not, mmg kene buli jer sampai bile2 kan.......Workloads, mmg up to my tonsil, keje bawak balik umah sume...ngan file berat2 tue...mmg penat sgt keje....tue yg kadang2 sampai nangis, x tahan d pressure n nak cite kat Mama pon jauh......lagi la tambah sedehnyer...tue yg nangis jer tue...Ish bahaye kan, takot nnt bukan Kassim Selamat, Baby Selamat....mata panda jer slalu.. ;p
Blom dpt lagi ker? Xper, Insyaallah dapat...Byk2 bace bismillah k...... =)))
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