Almost all hernias in the muscle of the abdominal wall are the same thing, namely a 'window of weakness' that has opened up in the wall tissue. The name, more than anything else, relates to the location of the hernia.
The effects of these hernias and the ways they are repaired are very similar in principle and we will now cover how they occur, what they do to you, which ones can be dangerous and the very different ways they are being repaired these days, depending upon who you go to.
A hernia (rupture) is usually noticed as a lump, commonly in the groin or the umbilical region. It appears when a portion of the tissue which lines the abdominal cavity (peritoneum) breaks through a weakened area of the abdominal wall. This can give rise to discomfort as the hernia enlarges and can sometimes be dangerous if a piece of intestine becomes trapped ('strangulated') inside.
8th april 09, wednesday, 12.00pm admitted, 3.20 pushed to OT.fuhhh, mmg xperiance sgt...i've never been to OT (tp x la bole msk tgk dr operate pon tp dpt la teman ammar smpi ke pintu auto OT). luckily ammar nangis sket2 b4 that coz dia lapar kn puasa dr 10 n time tue dh almost 3.30pm. so nk elak dia nangis bwk la jln2 around hospital. coz dr ckp if ada bg minum gak, takot masa operation ammar tersedak n boleh masuk lungs dia. dh 1 hal lain lak. sooo, cian mmg cian tp beh baik ikot jer. xmo dh pape lagi kt ammar kn?
ammar has xperianced sooo much pain at this young age. no wonder la last tuesday we had follow up to open his tape kt cut tue n his smart clamp (ammar dh circum hehee budak besar dh) dia nmpk nurse trus jerit. yup, umi tau ammar takot. tp all that dh passed, ammar dh makin sihat n gembira seperti dl. i tink better than before. alhamdullillah.
alhamdulillah ammar da sihat. hah, ammar da sunat? huhu.. sepat akil baligh nih. nia jugak belum circum lagi. kene buat cepat ni. ;p
btw, nurin, masa adik i kene dulu pegi la kan gov, doktor gov cakap takleh operate untill he turns to 4 years old. bole tak gitu? saba je la.. terus bawak gi private sbb kesian adik dok meragam je then sakit, mak i sampai nangis2, pegi pusrawi terus booked for operation. tp, that was few years back. skang ok dah kot.
bukan nak discriminate tp ni la hakikat nye. cewah! hehehe..
kesiannya kecik-kecik dah kena surgery...
alhamdulillah sekarang ammar dah sihat ...
tp ammar da kurus sket la... =( xpe xpe..slowly leh gain weight balik..acu yaya suka tgk ammar bye bye yaya before g keje...will be seeing ammar later!!!yeay... :]
tue la x larat...mama nurin panggil ammar totei org tua...hahaa. my father ckp pasni ammar kn pki underwear dah. hahaa nti klu ammar msk kindergarten kn ckp ngan teacher dia la. klu x nti budak2 lain mesti heran ejek pulak nti. hahaaa ammar dh besar.
cepat la sunat kn nia, takot nti dh besar rs sakit lak nti. cian lak kt dia.
oooo, itu kes ker? hishhh, org dh sakit lg suh tgu yer...mmg x ptt la. tue la, kt private mmg kn byr sket tp puas ati la kn...ala, asal anak sihat. tulang 4 kerat kta kn la rajin sket kn.
tue la, sbb xmo ammar muntah2 jer. skng dh operate, burp n kentut pon senang. loud n clear lagi. dl x, sbb tue kenyang jer muntah...
tp alhamdullillah...
tue la, lasak sgt pulak tue...
heheee acu kn kesayangan ammar. hehee ooo td dia babai ko g keje yer? coz aku ngah mandi hik3x...
Glad to hear Ammar da sihat!!! good boy!!! Ala, bile aunty Baby bole tgk ammar babai babai Aunty Baby lak..... =((((
Ammar so so so comel.....Urghhh, geramnyer tgk gambar die.
Muah Muah for ammar!!!
Aunty Baby.
..alyaniwahh..i pun bukan nak discriminate gov hospital..tapi betulke..your bro kena hernia..tapi depa suh tunggu sampai 4 years old..
uish..tak patut la..
anyway dek..alhamdulillah..ammar pun dah tergolek sana sini..nasib tak susut badan..guess that surgery made him happier than ever...
bole la..nti ko blek cni n nk g shopping...ammar ley babai ko. mesti happy nk shopping hehee...
tue la klu kn tgu smpi umo 4thn n org ngah sakit mmg x ptt btul la... cb la bygkn klu ammar kn tgu smpi umor 4thn, dh la slalu muntah bagai...sedey jer tgk.
tp alhamdullillah ammar dh makin sihat n ceria. siap best klu layan dia ketawa. smlm ketawa ngan aku smpi dia tepuk paha klakar sgt. pastu tdo skng pon xmo dodoi cm dl dh. nk guling2 smpi penat then pengsan jer trus. hahaa tp kn la nenen gak tp jap jer...budak besar dh ammar tue :p
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